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实习若何去?听听NN Running Team的教头们若何讲

时间:2025-03-12 02:51:32 来源:运动生活网 作者:羽毛球场风云 阅读:667次

实习若何去?实习听听NN Running Team的教头们若何讲

2019-11-07 10:00:00 back 去自NN Running Team教头们的十条箴言

一、In the 21st century if you want athletes towin,若何若何 it is important to focus on the mind. 90 per cent of performing well isall about the mind.


二、若何若何When the mind is 去听not there the body won’trespond.


三、实习Let athletes also make decisions in thetraining because they have 若何若何to do so in the race.


四、听N头们Ahead of a competition,实习 you must feelcomfortable running at your intended race pace.


五、去听Focus on the process not the goal.Concentrate on what you can influence.


六、To prevent any unnecessary stresses on thehamstring, it is best to introduce the occasionally hill repetition or speedsession to allow for more higher intensity training.


七、You have to learn being comfortable whilefeeling uncomfortable.


八、When training for a big race it isimportant to take the time to explore other ways of relaxing to restore energylevels.


九、When you finish a session you should stillbe able to run a little further. Save the really big effort for thecompetition.


十、We lay down the basics but then add thespeed sessions at the appropriate time to allow the athletes to run at theirbest when it counts most. This to me has been the biggest reason for our success.



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